I need a nice masthead for my site. I have no graphical skills of my own and to make matters worse I have little idea of what I want.
Currently I use the graphic above as my forum avatar and would like to incorporate it into the logo or alternatively use part of the new logo as an avatar, I also want to keep the current blog colour scheme but that is not a requirement of the masthead/logo just as long as it looks right i.e. a new complimentary colour (or two) is good but a new batch of vivid colours would be bad.
I have seen some designs for a company logo that I like that would fit with the Evangelysm word:
If you are artistically talented and have a spare few moments to have a bash at designing something that befits a priest blogging about wow with a Cataclysm theme, if you could do it for a small fee I would be eternally grateful, free would be absolutely freaking awesome and if you happen to be on Shadowsong EU I could offer some tradeskill services or similar, no not dancing naked on mailboxes, I'm not that kind of (in game) girl!!
Send your designs and your details to me at