Wednesday 1 December 2010

Addon: Power Auras

Wednesday 1 December 2010 - by Evlyxx 3

Power Auras was created to provide visual warnings when you gain very shorts buffs or debuffs, it allows you to draw in the centre of the screen around your character and is very customizable with many built in visual effects. Since its launch it has evolved and can now track
  • Buffs/Debuffs (whatever their name)
  • Debuff Types (like Magic, Curse, Poison, Disease, Silence, Stun, Crowd Control etc)
  • Combo points
  • Harmful area spells
  • Weapon enchants
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Rage, Runic Power or Energy thresholds
  • Action cool-downs
  • Aggro, PvP status
  • Stance, Shape-shift form or Aura
TL; DR - its a personalised buff/debuff centre that can also help you track cooldowns to keep you alive amd maximise your DPS/TPS/HPS.

You can download it from:
Power Auras @
Power Auras @

How I Use Power Auras
I use Power Auras to keep me informed of which spells I can or cannot use, its much easier than looking at the hotbars as everything is in my field of vision, not unlike a HUD.

The left-hand icons top left show when key spells are on cooldown and how long they have remaining (Fear Ward, Shadowfiend, Power Word: Barrier, Pain Suppression and Hymn of Hope.

The right-hand side ones show key personal buffs that are missing (Inner Fire, Vampiric Embrace and Shadowform) with Power Infusion also on the right-hand side as it works as a buff for me and also a cooldown to use on others.

Guardian Spirit and Divine Hymn are missing but are also ones I use in this area.

The 3 icons at the bottom show when key spells are off cooldown and available for use (Circle of Healing, Prayer of Mending and Penance).

The coloured spots are my dps rotation helper. The left-hand one shows Evangelism at 3 (red ring), 4 (yellow ring) and 5 (green spot) stacks the yellow counter text the time remaining. The purple spot with green ring shows when I have 3 shadow orbs and Mind Blast ready to use. The remaining ones are Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Death. 

When only a number is shown my target has the dot ticking already and the number shows the number of seconds remaining. A full spot indicates I need to renew the dot. "Simples" as they say.

The neat bit with Power Auras is that you can share them using the import/export facility so if you like my auras (or just want to use them as a starting point for your own) all you need to do is copy and paste the blue text in the sections below.

Auras good for all Priest Specs
Aura[1]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Shadow_Shadowfiend; buffname:Shadowfiend; begin:1; x:-187; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.15; y:290; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.82; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:290; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[2]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_Excorcism; buffname:Fear Ward; begin:1; x:-187; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.15; y:331; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.87; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:331; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[3]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; ignoremaj:false; icon:Spell_Holy_InnerFire; buffname:Inner Fire; begin:1; x:-150; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.15; y:330; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5@
Aura[4]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_PrayerOfMendingtga; buffname:Prayer of Mending; begin:1; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; inParty:true; combat:true; size:0.15; inRaid:true; y:10; texmode:2; anim2:4; finish:5@
Aura[5]=Version:4.9; b:0.2039; g:0.0784; icon:Spell_Holy_DivineIllumination; buffname:Evangelism; x:-143; stacks:3; texture:73; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Evangelism; combat:true; size:0.32; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0@
Aura[6]=Version:4.9; b:0.098; g:0.9765; icon:Spell_Holy_DivineIllumination; buffname:Evangelism; x:-143; stacks:4; texture:73; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Evangelism; combat:true; size:0.26; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0; timer.h:1.44; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:55; timer.x:-144; timer.Transparent:true; timer.ShowActivation:true@
Aura[7]=Version:4.9; b:0.0431; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_DivineIllumination; buffname:Evangelism; r:0.251; x:-143; stacks:5; texture:72; alpha:1; isResting:0; sound:34; stacksOperator:=; tooltipCheck:Evangelism; combat:true; size:0.22; y:55; texmode:2; anim2:4; finish:0@
Aura[8]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_DivineHymn; buffname:Divine Hymn; begin:1; x:-150; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.15; y:170; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.87; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:168; timer.x:-110; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[9]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_SymbolOfHope; buffname:Hymn of Hope; begin:1; x:-187; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; size:0.15; y:170; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.87; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:170; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@
Auras for Discipline Priests
Aura[49]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_Penance; buffname:Penance; begin:1; x:48; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; spec2:false; combat:true; size:0.15; y:10; texmode:2; anim2:4; finish:5@
Aura[50]=Version:4.9; icon:spell_holy_powerwordbarrier; buffname:Power Word: Barrier; x:-187; bufftype:15; owntex:true; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Power Word: Barrier; spec2:false; size:0.15; y:250; texmode:2; inverse:true; timer.h:2; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:250; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[51]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_Holy_PainSupression; buffname:Pain Suppression; x:-187; bufftype:15; owntex:true; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Pain Suppression; spec2:false; size:0.15; y:210; texmode:2; inverse:true; timer.h:2; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:210; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[52]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_PowerInfusion; buffname:Power Infusion; begin:1; x:-150; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; spec2:false; size:0.15; y:210; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.87; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:210; timer.x:-110; timer.Transparent:true@
Auras for Shadow/DPS Priests

Aura[25]=Version:4.9; b:0.9647; icon:Spell_Shadow_Shadowform; buffname:Shadowform; r:0.9765; x:-150; groupany:false; texture:73; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Shadowform; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.15; y:250; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:0; timer.h:1.44; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:247; timer.x:-150; timer.Transparent:true; timer.ShowActivation:true@ 
Aura[26]=Version:4.9; b:0.949; g:0.0941; icon:spell_priest_shadoworbs; buffname:Shadow Orb; r:0.5137; x:-80; texture:72; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Shadow Orb; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.27; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0; timer.b:0.949; timer.g:0.9255; timer.h:1.44; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.r:0.9294; timer.cents:false; timer.y:55; timer.x:-80; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true@
Aura[27]=Version:4.9; b:0; icon:Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy; buffname:Mind Blast; r:0.1451; x:-80; bufftype:7; stacks:4; texture:73; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Evangelism; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0@
Aura[28]=Version:4.9; b:0.0784; g:0.949; icon:inv_chaos_orb; buffname:Empowered Shadow; r:0.3216; x:148; texture:72; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Empowered Shadow; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0; timer.b:0.9451; timer.g:0.902; timer.h:1.44; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.r:0.949; timer.cents:false; timer.y:55; timer.x:148; timer.Transparent:true; timer.UseOwnColor:true@ 
Aura[29]=Version:4.9; b:0.0627; anim1:4; g:0.2902; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordPain; buffname:Shadow Word: Pain; x:-35; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:72; alpha:1; isResting:0; mine:true; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; inverse:true; finish:0@ 
Aura[30]=Version:4.9; b:0.0627; g:0.2902; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordPain; buffname:Shadow Word: Pain; x:-35; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:73; alpha:1; isResting:0; mine:true; textaura:true; spec1:false; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0; timer.h:1.76; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:54; timer.x:-36; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[31]=Version:4.9; b:0.8275; target:true; icon:Spell_Holy_Stoicism; buffname:Vampiric Touch; r:0.0941; x:10; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:72; isResting:0; mine:true; tooltipCheck:Vampiric Touch; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; inverse:true@
Aura[32]=Version:4.9; b:0.8275; target:true; icon:Spell_Holy_Stoicism; buffname:Vampiric Touch; r:0.0941; x:10; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:73; isResting:0; mine:true; tooltipCheck:Vampiric Touch; textaura:true; spec1:false; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; timer.h:1.8; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:55; timer.x:10; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[33]=Version:4.9; b:0.8157; g:0.0824; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_DevouringPlague; buffname:Devouring Plague; x:55; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:72; isResting:0; mine:true; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; inverse:true@ 
Aura[34]=Version:4.9; b:0.8157; g:0.0824; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_DevouringPlague; buffname:Devouring Plague; x:55; groupany:false; bufftype:2; texture:73; isResting:0; mine:true; textaura:true; spec1:false; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; timer.h:1.8; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:55; timer.x:55; timer.Transparent:true@ 
Aura[35]=Version:4.9; b:0; g:0.1412; icon:Spell_Shadow_DemonicFortitude; buffname:Shadow Word: Death; x:102; bufftype:7; stacks:4; texture:72; alpha:1; isResting:0; tooltipCheck:Evangelism; spec1:false; combat:true; size:0.25; y:55; texmode:2; finish:0@
Aura[36]=Version:4.9; icon:Spell_Shadow_UnsummonBuilding; buffname:Vampiric Embrace; x:-150; owntex:true; spec1:false; size:0.15; y:290; texmode:2; inverse:true@
Auras for Holy Priests

Aura[73]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_CircleOfRenewal; buffname:Circle of Healing; begin:1; x:-54; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; off:true; combat:true; size:0.15; y:10; texmode:2; anim2:4; finish:5@
Aura[74]=Version:4.9; anim1:3; icon:Spell_Holy_GuardianSpirit; buffname:Guardian Spirit; begin:1; x:-187; bufftype:7; alpha:1; owntex:true; isResting:0; off:true; spec1:false; size:0.14; y:210; texmode:2; inverse:true; anim2:4; finish:5; timer.h:1.87; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:208; timer.x:-227; timer.Transparent:true@

If you have power auras to share please feel free to post comments or mail me at evlyxx at evlyxx dot com 

About the Author

By day I'm an IT Server analyst for a major telecoms compnay in the UK and I've been playing World of Warcraft since November 2005 when a pair of colleagues bullied me into playing! I have evolved into a raider (summer 2006), an auction house wheeler dealer (2007), a guild officer (2007), an altoholic (2008), a raid leader (2008), a Warcraft blogger (2010) and a PVPer (2012)

My main has, and always will be Evlyxx, a priest and I love to heal. I started as Holy in vanilla, dabbled with the shadow side during the middle part of Burning Crusade, before returning to Holy but I have been mostly Discipline since mid-Wrath.


  1. Soooo this tracks the other priest's dots in my raid... do you know how to stop this?

  2. @anonymous Thank you for picking this up. I rarely DPS outside 5 mans and had never spotted this error. To correct it edit the powa auras for SW: Pain, Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch and select the check box for "Cast by me"

    I have corrected this in the aura imports above so you can delete you aura and simply impoort if you prefer to do it that way.


About the Author

By day I'm an IT Server analyst for a major telecoms compnay in the UK and I've been playing World of Warcraft since November 2005 when a pair of colleagues bullied me into playing! I have evolved into a raider (summer 2006), an auction house wheeler dealer (2007), a guild officer (2007), an altoholic (2008), a raid leader (2008), a Warcraft blogger (2010) and a PVPer (2012)

My main has, and always will be Evlyxx, a priest and I love to heal. I started as Holy in vanilla, dabbled with the shadow side during the middle part of Burning Crusade, before returning to Holy but I have been mostly Discipline since mid-Wrath.

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