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Thok positioning (courtesy of FlaskUp) |
Its been a while folks, but never fear I am still here! Or maybe that should be a reason to be fearful? Anyway, been doing some HC progression and needing to buff up the knowledge on Thok, Man the coordination there is intense, so I've been researching a bit deeper and the raid cooldown usage is indeed
the key.
This is NOT JUST HEALERS, everyone who can assist should
assist and so we don't all splurge our CDs at the start we need an
action plan. Because the team make up varies week to week I have put
together the action plan below which states roles not classes. Some
weeks we'll have extra CDs to use, in which case people not specifically
assigned should use theirs at a point that isn't mentioned, prefarably
near the end.
rotation below is for the 1st and 3rd Cry in the Darkness phases. The
2nd of these phases will see the raid have no raid wide cooldowns
available, kill the bats and last as long as we naturally can with an
aim of hitting 7-10 Screeches.
- Screech #06 – DPS 1 Raid Cooldown
- Screech #09 – DPS 3 Raid Cooldown (if available)
- Screech #11 – Healer 1 with a Blessing of Protection so no interupts
- Screech #14 – Healer 2 with Blessing of Protection so no interupts
- Screech #17 – DPS 2 Raid Cooldown
- Screech #19 – Devotion Aura
- Screech #22 – Healer 3 Cooldowns and players personal Cooldowns.
- Screech #24 – DPS 4 Raid Cooldown (if available)
- Screech #27 – Stack up!
- DeathKnight: Anti-magic zone talent (spellid:51052) 75% spell damage reduction, 10 seconds with a 2 metre range.
- Druid: Tranquility (spellid:740) channeled, 8 seconds with a 8 metre range.
- Monk: Zen meditation (spellid:115176) redirects 5 harmful spells, 8 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Monk: Avert harm brewmaster(spellid:115213) 20% all damage redirected, 6 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Monk: Revival mistweaver (spellid:115310) (instant/3 metre range).
- Paladin: Devotion aura (spellid:31821 20% magic damage reduction, 6 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Priest: Divine Hymn (spellid:64843) channeled, 8 seconds with a 3 metre range. - HOLY ONLY
- Priest: Lightwell (spellid:724) 15 charges or 3m/3 metre range. - HOLY ONLY
- Priest: Power Word: Barrier (spellid:62618) 25% damage reduction, 10 seconds with a 3 metre range. - DISC ONLY
- Priest: Spirit Shell discipline (spellid:109964) absorption shields, 15 seconds with a 1 metre range. - DISC ONLY
- Priest: Vampiric Embrace shadow (spellid:15286) 10s-glyphed or 15s-unglyphed/3 metre range. - SHADOW ONLY
- Rogue: Smoke Bomb (spellid:76577) 20% damage reduction 5-7 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Shaman: Healing Tide Totem (spellid:108280) 11 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Shaman: Ancestral Guidance talent (spellid:108281) Level 75 Talent TAKE IT!
- Shaman: Spirit Link totem restoration (spellid:98008) 10% all damage reduction, 6 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Warrior: Demoralizing banner (spellid:114203) -10% damage dealt by all enemies, 15 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Warrior: Rallying cry (spellid:97462) temporary 20% increased health, 10 seconds with a 3 metre range.
- Warrior: Mass spell reflection talent (spellid:114028) reflects 1 spell, 5 seconds with a 1 metre range.