wowTrader - a fantastic tool for making gold
Saturday, 25 June 2011 - by Evlyxx
Just a real quick post to introduce you all to a fantastic tool, wowTrader, its not a nasty gold seller site so no need to panic, I haven't gone to the darkside.

wowTraders own words "it is p
rimarily a site built around the ability to view auction house prices over time for your server so you know what items are actually worth. Each item has an individual page with graphs showing recent history, long term trending, availability and historic price distribution."
If you're on the US realms wowTrader isn't available and you'll need to continue/start using the
Undermine Journal, which has been online for quite sometime now but never progressed to pick up the EU data.
About the Author
By day I'm an IT Server analyst for a major telecoms compnay in the UK and I've been playing World of Warcraft since November 2005 when a pair of colleagues bullied me into playing! I have evolved into a raider (summer 2006), an auction house wheeler dealer (2007), a guild officer (2007), an altoholic (2008), a raid leader (2008), a Warcraft blogger (2010) and a PVPer (2012)
My main has, and always will be Evlyxx, a priest and I love to heal. I started as Holy in vanilla, dabbled with the shadow side during the middle part of Burning Crusade, before returning to Holy but I have been mostly Discipline since mid-Wrath.